My heart burst open with excitement when I discovered Chloe's Retreat online and spoke to her the night before it was to begin. I packed my bag and drove the 5 ½ hours to the retreat the next morning. This was exactly what I needed! I have been writing my personal journey for nearly 30 years. My block has been in finding a context/container where people will feel and apply the lessons and energetic practices I share, rather than simply thinking about what I have written.

By applying the structure and intuitive style of writing Chloe shares, visually setting the scene and expressing the feeling-tone of the message, I have shifted from telling a story to bringing the reader into the experience of what I am writing. At the Retreat, Chloe created an intimate environment while she wove a tapestry of wisdom, healing experiences for personal breakthroughs, and practical writing time with feedback and support from within the group. My body felt clear and nurtured with Nye's life-generating meals, Steve's gentle morning yoga & herbal teas and Jenny's way of knowing exactly what I needed as she tuned my body through her massage and so much more!

I highly recommend the experience of the Retreat and all the ways Chloe shares her unique gifts! I continue to carry with me the love that was shared by the staff and each woman attending at the Retreat.

- Karen Lovelien, Soulular Clarity