Book Review - The Valley Daily Post - Espanola, New Mexico
The Soulful Child: Twelve Years in the Wilderness - Memoir by Chloe Rachel Gallaway
The Soulful Child: Twelve Years in the Wilderness, Chloe Rachel Gallaway
When I was a little girl growing up in Chimayo, New Mexico, seven miles east of Española, we spent much of our summers taking a break from the heat in the valley to visit a primitive house at the foot of several acres of property in the small mountain village of Peñasco — twenty-five miles from home. My dad purchased the property in the ’70s. We would drive up, deep into the mountains through the mountain village, and along the way I would see houses of various interesting shapes. I remember my father saying “hippies” lived in those houses. I had no idea what hippies were and wasn’t sure why they were there but they were always a curiosity to me. I had some inkling that these people were trying to get away from something...
The Valley Daily Post - Espanola, New Mexico