Book Signing for The Soulful Child - Espanola, New Mexico

The Valley Daily Post - October 17, 2017

Chloe Rachel Gallaway
The Winged River Writer, Chloe Rachel Gallaway

Book Signing For  “The Soulful Child” By Local Author Chloe Rachel Gallaway

Española –Amidst the issues and reputation endured by the Españolavalley and northern New Mexico for decades comes a brand new memoir, The Soulful Child: Twelve Years In The Wilderness, by author Chloe Rachel Gallaway, which conveys a beauty and depth to the area and the people that most outsiders and even locals fail to appreciate.After having been born and raised off the grid in a small cabin in the mountains near Lindrith, Chloe and her siblings were uprooted from the only life they knew and thrust into the local culture and Española school system in the late 1980s...


Book Signing Event in Espanola New Mexico | The Valley Daily Post

Book Signing Event in Espanola New Mexico | The Valley Daily Post 

Book Signing Event in Espanola New Mexico | The Valley Daily Post