6 Day/5 Night Writers Retreat
Held in the Majestic Mountains of Truchas, New Mexico
Someday your story will be the message that changes someone else’s life.

July 15 to July 20th 2023
You are struggling to connect to your writer's voice and begin your book.
You are already working on your book, but are feeling distraction, avoidance, and disruption, and you are not able to create sacred space and write.
You are experiencing pain and grief, inwardly and from things happening outside of you, and you are unsure how to process these emotions.
You have a longing to integrate the pain and grief into authentic storytelling.
You are looking for sacred land, community, and a safe place to crack open your truest level of self-expression and experience the writing of your story.
You need to break away from all the moving pieces of your life, and be present to YOU.
Your busy schedule is keeping you from your CREATIVE DREAMS, and it's time to reclaim your life.
This retreat is a sacred intimate experience, an unfolding of time and story for 10 clients only.
We feel doubt, fear, and overwhelm when stepping into the process of writing our story.
But there is a way through this, there is a deeper soul knowing that can change the whole book writing experience.
We must commit to ourselves, and make writing a priority. We must ask for the aligned support that we need. We must learn the techniques of CRAFT needed to write a great story.
I took this courageous path when I wrote my Memoir, The Soulful Child: Twelve Years in the Wilderness.
This little girl (me on the cover) became the foundation for my writer’s voice and continues to impact on a global scale. I felt all of the same things my client's feel when they start their journey of writing a book, and I overcame my blocks in the most profound ways, and this is why I so deeply care about leading you on this sacred journey.
Embrace The Wildness of Your Own Story & Be Guided Through a Sacred Process to Write Your Book
Returning to the roots of your authentic self creates a pathway for the writer within you to come to life.
At this retreat we will focus on discovering the language of the HEART, while learning the craft of storytelling, releasing judgement and silencing our inner critic.
Experience the wonder of this magical location at the top of Truchas Peaks in New Mexico.
Sit in this library soaking up the energy of boundless books, while opening your HEART to the adventure of storytelling, writing, and sharing within a sacred circle.
Experience the Power in Understanding the Language of the Heart.
Understand judgement, where it comes from, and how to transform it into power.
Discover unattended wounds through sacred RITUAL and WRITING.
Be nourished with food that invites all your senses and healing awareness to the mind and body.
Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner, provided by private chef @ food as medicine, Steve Thurson
Morning RITUAL, from walking meditations, to mindfulness connection.
Morning group work-writing, processing of self-judgements and dynamics with inner critic. Breakthrough Coaching with Chloe Rachel Gallaway. Learn how to weave words, articulate your true self, get connected to the deeper roots of your story, and integrate CRAFT elements of storytelling.
Receive Private 1:1 30 min Consultation to connect the dots of your story. Get clear on the plot of your story.
Ritual Exercises for Writers to deeply connect at a SOUL level to Self, Nature, and Writing.
Solo time for self-expression, writing, releasing, and resting into the arms of story. And just resting.
Closing Circles to bring your day together and provide a safe space for AHA's and BREAKTHROUGHS.
Sacred Healing Circle, provided by a special guest healer to integrate healing and releasing of inner child wounds, while bringing you into your adult lens and new AWARENESS for writing.
Relax with the sunset over the Truchas Mountain Peaks, or take a walk down a dirt road.
Enjoy a wood burning outdoor fire pit and sacred community circle, release kept emotions and connect to life.
End your night deeply nourished & ready for a restorative rest in one of our luxurious rooms. Quietly tucked away in your own space, with comfortable bedding, lots of light and windows that open to a night filled with stars or a brilliant morning sunrise.
How much of your life is about the day-to-day, instead of spending time connecting to your creative self?
How long have you dreamed of telling your story?
Are you the kind of person who seeks transformation for yourself?
Now is the chance to embrace the writer you've always wanted to be.
All-Inclusive Retreat valued at $9K.
6 Luxury Upstairs Private Rooms Total (limited space left.)
5 Cozy Private Rooms with shared bathrooms available
$5,500K plus taxes and fees for Private Room
$4,000K Ask about sharing a luxury upstairs room
$4,800K plus taxes and fees for Small-Private Room with Shared Bathroom
Connect & Get Empowered
Meet your hosts...
Chloe Rachel Gallaway
Best-selling author of The Soulful Child: Twelve Years in the Wilderness. Chloe has been leading transformational book writing retreats for more than 9 years. Her unique approach to storytelling and writing is an invitation into a sacred journey; one that will nourish your mind, body and spirit while you connect and write your story.
Chloe's unique genius in the world of writing lies in her ability to bring intimate lessons and experiences to her writers. She engages by example with vulnerable leadership, and disrupts the inner critic and inspires her writers to true power though authentic VOICE. Teaching on both CRAFT and the intuitive lessons, she leads her people through a rare and sacred experience in the writing of their story.
Steve Thurson
Steve has a love for all things gardening, food and art. His food becomes art and also serves as a form of healing for the mind and body. Be prepared for a delicious and mouth watering experience as the result of this creative's love for healing others though food.
He believes as divinely created people our consciousness is always leading us to find the greatest Joy, Peace, and Love. Steve believes this is how we should approach our eating and the intuitive insight he listen for as a chef while creating delightful, nutritious, and unique meals. He has the great pleasure of sharing with VIP clients using organic and homegrown vegetables, fruits, herbs and proteins.
Stephen Thurson. Certified Health Coach. Chef.
Spiritually Connected Lover of Life.
Chloe and Steve are Soulmates in both life and business with a vision for bringing healing to the planet one awakened voice at a time.