This Program has been filled with 9 Amazing women for VOICES book II ...


Dear Braving it All Woman - You Have a  Message to Birth!

Learn what it means to integrate your fragmented story and come to wholeness with speaking your truth...

Write Your Braving it all Story and Get published with our VOICES series!

Be published among 9 powerful women in Book 2 of the Voices Book Series, connect to your unique self and your gifts found inside of your story. Build an audience for business and life!  Reach your people with your message!

The Voices package with Chloe Rachel Gallaway includes an:

All-Inclusive 5-Night 6-day Writer's Retreat August 28-September 2 2020

At historic Taos Goji Eco Lodge
in Northern New Mexico 

So you can get away and & write your story!   

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Free Your VOICE and own your story, a spiritual journey of coming home to yourself and getting your soul message out to your people!  

  • Find your story and your tribe of conscious connected women on the journey of becoming a published author. 

  • Become a part of a larger movement helping women Rise together!


  • Embrace the power in becoming a writer, building a platform and learning how to use your story to lift your life/business up from the roots!  


Go from Feeling Alone in your Writer's Journey to All the Guidance and Support you need to Share Your Story with the World!

Don't let doubt and uncertainty stop you from sharing your powerful story...

Most people feel overwhelmed by how and where to begin with their story, when to find the time to write and how to put it all down on paper.

They dream of making an impact with their message & know it will be life changing. 

Some common struggles have become extraordinarily clear over the years of my helping people write great books...

These struggles are evident in the heart of every writer:

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  • Overwhelm:   You don't know where to begin or how to get started on your story. You may not realize it, but your voice is buried underneath the weight of your story and your mindset about writing it. The good news is, it's about connection, and it's all inside of you!

  • Doubt: Do we really have something valuable to share & the ability to write it in a way that will do our story justice? Mindset issues are our number one form of resistance and when we take back our power, the story starts to flow from within us.

  • Self-Judgement: We feel that we are not a writer and don't know if we have what it takes to be one. It's a spiritual journey, a sacred journey of coming to know yourself inside of your story.

  • Lack of Experience and Tools: We don't know how to process the emotions that come up when thinking about writing our story. We neglect to realize that inside of our emotions lies a river of gold. Our truth, or voice, or higher wisdom it's all there, but we gotta brave our way through the pain and transcend old narratives. My truest gift in life is to help you do this and to be nourished in the experience! 

Welcome to VOICES

Every Woman Has a Braving It All Story…She Lived to Tell It.

VOICES Braving It All Book Series™ is about awakening to the Voice within, through a soul-deep communication, ignited by an intuitive writing experience that is taught by author Chloe Rachel Gallaway.

The raw and real story of being human takes countless unique forms—the journey from struggle to triumph, brokenness to empowerment, and lack to abundance. With no maps through these woods, how do we arrive and what experiences shape our path?

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Gallaway and nine awe-inspiring women share their Braving It All stories, connecting the dots of the soul, illuminating truth from within. With a symphony of whispers from one woman’s heart to another, transformational messages are unearthed from inside the unresolved story and brought to light. Finding Voice is the way forward—it is an awakening of the mind, an opening of the heart, a shift in the old narrative from living powerless to embodying authentic power. It is about finding ourselves inside of our story. 

There are no accidents...

You have found this page for a reason!

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The Dance Between Craft and Intuition

I have created a path that will help you become a writer.

You will discover how to own your voice and understand the invaluable parts of your story...

I help women move from fear to courage and from doubt to confidence in their writing and sharing of their story.

An Intuitive Process to the Craft of Writing

When you join the voices movement, you will benefit from Chloe Rachel Gallaway's signature intuitive process:  The Dance Between Craft and Intuition

You will begin to see yourself as the hero in your story & you will identify what dream state is for you; this place of ultimate living from within and creating abundance through your sacred gifts known to you via your story.  


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Words from VOICES author...

My heart burst open with excitement when I discovered Chloe's Retreat online and spoke to her the night before it was to begin. I packed my bag and drove the 5 ½ hours to the retreat the next morning. This was exactly what I needed! I have been writing my personal journey for nearly 30 years. My block has been in finding a context/container where people will feel and apply the lessons and energetic practices I share, rather than simply thinking about what I have written.

By applying the structure and intuitive style of writing Chloe shares, visually setting the scene and expressing the feeling-tone of the message, I have shifted from telling a story to bringing the reader into the experience of what I am writing. At the Retreat, Chloe created an intimate environment while she wove a tapestry of wisdom, healing experiences for personal breakthroughs, and practical writing time with feedback and support from within the group. My body felt clear and nurtured with Nye's life-generating meals, Steve's gentle morning yoga & herbal teas and Jenny's way of knowing exactly what I needed as she tuned my body through her massage and so much more!

Karen Lovelien, Soulular Clarity

The VOICES Intuitive Writing Program is for you if...

- You are looking for Breakthroughs on how to write, how to do it in a timely manner and how to deal with emotions and mindset when it comes to telling your story

- You want to increase exposure/get more visible with who you are

- You want to Find the Power in your Voice and witness the impact it can make on your life and business

- You want to become part of a book series alongside a unique and powerful group of women

What is included in the VOICES All-Inclusive Package?

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  • All-Inclusive 5night, 6-Day Writer's Retreat: Get your unique braving it all story written in a 5-Night; 6-Day transformational retreat (Details Below)

  • Private Coaching: 1:1 Breakthrough Coaching and Editing on your story during and post retreat via zoom with author, Chloe Rachel Gallaway. Plus hand held experience to completion of your dynamic, emotionally compelling story. 

  • Private Support Group: Awaken to the possibilities that arise when we learn from one another, supported by the intentional coaching of a powerful thought leader and facilitator.

  • Professional photographer and photo shoot to capture each woman as she comes into her authentic voice and stands in her power.   

  • Editing, refining and publication of your story with a 20-year experienced  publisher. Details on book royalties, freebee's for launch and platform support for authors in publishing contract. 

Chloe Rachel Gallaway's mission...

I'm Chloe Rachel Gallaway, author of The Soulful Child: Twelve Years in the Wilderness, and Intuitive Writing Coach.

Ten years ago, I set out to tell the true story of my growing up in the wilderness and coming into the world at age twelve.

I spent the last ten years overcoming many hurdles, including a difficult divorce with two small children in my arms and the loss of my father unexpectedly.

I came to know myself as a warrior at one of the most challenging points in my life and understand what it means to be bold, take risks and walk my own path.

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Becoming an author enabled me to fully own my voice, and then further fulfill my calling in becoming a writing coach. This process has been hugely spiritual and required immense growth. Along the way I came to know what I call, "my dream state of being," living from within and connecting to my truest self. 

What would it mean to connect back to the roots of yourself, to express yourself fully and be in presence with your truth. 

On this journey, I have met many strong, brave and spiritual women who are facing fear, taking risks and making strides to walk their own unique path in life.

Together we become a catalyst for change, hope, and rebirth; from our hearts to the world. 


Get More Details...

Sign up below to get get more details about the VOICES package with Chloe Rachel Gallaway...

Get the .pdf for Chloe Rachel Gallaway's Intuitive Writing Process: The Dance Between Craft & Intuition...

Plus, An opportunity to schedule a 1-hour Book Discovery Breakthrough Coaching Session with Chloe Rachel Gallaway

Words from VOICES author...

I have worked with Chloe before, read her first book, and am impressed with her desire to assist women in getting their VOICES heard.
This was the second retreat I attended with her and it exceeded my expectations; it assisted me in narrowing down my story from many potentials. It additionally helped me to see the specific "gold" at the end of my Heroines journey!

Connie C. Cox, LCSW